Dad's Shoulders

When I was a very small boy, two or three years old, my father used to pick me up and carry me on his shoulders. What a special place to be! I was suddenly transformed from a short sprout, looking up at everyone and everything, to a true giant among men! I could see things from a new perspective. I could look down at folks, or look around without the least bit of worry about where to put my feet next. Dad's shoulders! Definitely the place to be.

In my middle age, my friend Cal introduced me to body boarding. After a somewhat slow start, I began to learn the ropes and began to understand that the place to be was the shoulder of the wave. When I make the drop and crank in a tight left or right, cruising on the shoulder, there is a tremendous sense of well being. I am in just the right place at just the right time.

One day, maybe soon, maybe long from now, but certain to come, my Father in heaven will pick me up on His shoulders. I will ride on the heights, and that will truly be the best place of all to be. I will look back and down on this world with genuine gratitude and appreciation.