Paddling Out

On a small day, the paddle-out is pretty easy. The sun is shining, life is good, and getting out is no problem at all. Of course, when you get out there, it's a long time between sets. Lots of waiting, and the rides are few, small, and far between. But getting out is no struggle!

When the surf is up, when it's breaking big, paddling out can be a real challenge. The breaking waves set up strong currents, constantly pushing you back toward shore. Grab your board and duck! One wave after another pummels you. If you don't time your moves just right, you wind up going through the spin-cycle and come up gasping for breath. Are you going to make it outside at all? On a big day, though, if you do manage to get outside, the rewards can be tremendous!

Like a friend of mine says, surfing has a built-in safety factor; if you can't paddle out, you probably shouldn't be out anyway. God has promised not to allow us to be tempted beyond what we are able to bear.

Life is often like that. When things are going easily, not much challenge, no pain, there is also not much opportunity to grow. When the rough days come, however, I often also have the opportunity to trust God more, to grow in my faith and confidence in Him. The rewards of struggling through a tough day are often worth the pain.