Hello Family,

Pam and I must leave for Atascadero tomorrow (Tuesday) evening. We will depart Carlsbad

about 6:00 PM and hope to reach Skylar's home before midnight.

Wednesday morning 6:00 AM we must leave (with Skylar and his mother) for Palo Alto and the Children's hospital at Stanford, where Skylar will undergo another MRI scan at 10:00 AM. If

they should find that the tumors in his lungs have grown, they plan to admit him to the hospital and to change his chemotherapy regimine.

I must confess to being discouraged; I had been hoping to spend some time with both grandsons over a four-day period, in more pleasant circumstances, and now find we must do this. There is some hope yet that they will in fact NOT find an increase in the tumor size, and so would let us take Skylar back home on Wednesday evening. For this possibility, I sincerly request your prayers. Also for me, that my heart may rest in our Lord whatever He may choose, and that I may effectively minister to Skylar, Suzanne, Skye's brother Chris, and Pam while on this

Thank you for your continuing love, concern, and prayers.

Your fellow redeemed man,


Dann McCreary - creatr@geocities.com - http://creator.cjb.net - http://uptime.cjb.net

"Since you are precious in My sight, Since you are honored and I love you, I will give other men in your place and other peoples in exchange for your life." - Isaiah 43