Dear Family,

Thank you for your continuing and consistent prayers and encouragement to us.

Pam got home tonight from another long trip; up to Atascadero, then up and back to and from Palo Alto, and today back home again. Many many miles!

Yesterday in Palo Alto Skylar was x-rayed again; the tumors on his lungs are still present, so no apparent change there. A dose of Doxorubicin (Adriamycin) was administered. This is reputedly the worst of the three types of chemotherapy that the doctors are using on him. He has already lost most of his hair.

Pam was talking and playing with him while Skylar was receiving the chemotherapy. He suddenly looked up at her and announced, with the disarming simplicity of a four-year-old, "Nana, I don't want to be sick anymore." Just remembering the moment was enough to reduce Pam to tears.

Pam reports that there were no apparent immediate side effects from this dose. When I talked on the phone last night, I could hear Skye playing in the background. The word also is that this morning, up until about 11:00 AM when Pam left for home, Skylar was still doing just fine.

Now for some excellent news: according to Pam, Skylar was manually examined yesterday by one of the nurse-practitioners who is familiar with him and who had examined him before. When she pressed in on his abdomen she was unable to feel the large tumor at all! Bear in mind that during his first week in the hospital, Skylar got to the point where he appeared almost as if he were pregnant.

The other good news is that Skylar continues to have a good appetite. His weight increased only a small amount this week, but it is moving in the right direction and Pam reports that his ribs are showing less. She was able to get some of Papa's nutritional supplements into him while she was there.

I thank God for continuing to show His grace and faithfulness and his lovingkindness to me with answers to specific prayers. Please continue to pray for persistence on the part of Skylar's mom Suzanne that she might sneak the nutritional supplements into Skylar's food. Pray that Skye will continue to eat well, to get fresh air and exercise, and to be protected from the harsh side-effects of the chemotherapy.

Please also keep Paquito in your hearts and prayers. He needs our love and encouragement and prayer support. Please pray for courage for his parents, for strength and healing and cleansing of his bones and his blood. Pray that God would bring joy and laughter into his days and that He may bring Paquito out of his bed with renewed health. Psalm 115:3 "Our God is in the heavens and He does whatever He pleases". Please pray along with me that He may be pleased to raise Paquito up, to the glory of His Name.

Your brother in Christ,


Dann McCreary - - -

"Since you are precious in My sight, Since you are honored and I love you, I will give other men in your place and other peoples in exchange for your life." - Isaiah 43