October 10, 1999 Dear Family, Thanks for your prayers for Skylar. I spoke with him Saturday night and with his brother and his mom. His white blood cell counts are up again. As a result, he has a break from the daily shots until after the next chemotherapy series. As you might imagine, Skye was quite happy not to be receiving injections since Thursday! I sang Skylar and his brother Chris a new song I wrote for them, "The Ballad of the Flying House". They seemed to enjoy it. Skylar let me talk to Chris for a while and went away to write down a song for me. He came back and read it to me: "Papa, here is the song I writed for you:" "Your heart looks like sweets." "That's it. I drawed a picture of a heart with an arrow stuck in it." I thanked him for his wonderful song. His heart and mine are intertwined, indeed. I have expanded the links to cancer information on Skylar's website. You can read them at http://skylar.cjb.net - and please pass this along to anyone else who may be able to get some use from it. Skylar returns to Stanford later this week for his second series of chemotherapy treatments. There is still a long and perilous road ahead for Skylar. Thank you for continuing to uphold him and us in prayer. Love, -Dann