July 12, 2000 #2 Dear Family, Why am I surprised when God answers our prayers? Saturday evening Skylar was admitted to the local hospital with pneumonia. We have been watching the situation closely and growing concerned about seemingly slow progress. Yesterday (Tuesday) a friend at work reminded me how important it is to breathe deeply to flush our body with oxygen. We were discussing how Skylar has been pretty much bed-ridden while in the hospital with pneumonia. Thinking about that, I grew more concerned. I decided to give Suzanne a brief call to suggest that she try as much as possible to get Skylar out of bed and walking around. She told me that he had been up briefly to be weighed, and that he was sitting up in bed - both good things - and she said that she would try to get him up, but that she would not force him to get up. I was distressed that I could not be there to help. I asked "the One in Whose hand is the heart of the king" to help Suzanne encourage Skylar to get up, and to move in Skylar's heart to obey... then I went back about my business. When I came home, I found that Pam had also spoken to Suzanne later in the evening. Almost casually Pam said "Suzanne told me that Skylar was up and walking around for 45 minutes today." Chris heard my shout in the next room! God is so good to us. A while later I called to tell Skylar some jokes. He was willing to talk to me, and he sounded in good spirits and better than he had for some time. "Why did the man throw the clock out the window?" "To see time fly." "No fair, you knew that one... OK, why did the man throw butter out the window?" "Uh, why?" "To see butterfly!" Skylar laughed. When I spoke with Suzanne afterwords, she told me that Skylar had walked all around, by the nursing station, and that after getting back to the room she was pleased to see that his eyes had brightened. I was very thankful that Suzanne had succeded in getting Skylar up, and I told her so. I thank the Lord for his kindness in getting Skylar up to walk around, to clear his lungs and maintain his strength and help his recovery from the pneumonia. This is a wonderful gift to Pam and I for our anniversary today! "Give the King Thy judgements, O God, ... For He will deliver the needy when he cries for help, The afflicted also, and him who has no helper. He will have compassion on the poor and needy, And the souls of the needy he will save. He will redeem their sould from oppression and violence; And their blood will be precious in His sight;" Psalm 72 Thank You, Lord, that Skylar has been precious in Your sight. Thank you all for your continuing prayers for Skylar and for us. I will try to keep you informed of our plans and Skylar's progress. In Christ, -Dann