June 10, 2000 Dear Family, We arrived home at 3:30 AM on Wednesday morning. Since my last email, we were able to see Skylar transferred to a different hospital for further rehabilitation. Nana (Pam) and I spent a couple of days with him there, but during that time the rehab had not yet begun. Nana and I took Skylar for some walks around the place. Once when we were pulling him in the wagon, I tried to get him to stand up and look out a window but he didn't want to. When he makes up his mind against something, he can be very firm! On the other hand, when he has an agenda, Skylar can be very motivated. One afternoon he wanted to go to the playroom. I told him that we would have to wait until it was empty (Skye cannot be around other people yet due to the risk of infection). I also told him he would have to walk there. No problem! When the time came, he walked to the playroom without hesitation! Later we continued around the hallway and back to his room, a good distance. Skylar's eating has been improving somewhat; a couple of days ago he got to skip one of his "tube feedings" because he ate enough lunch to replace it. Chris (our son) has updated Skylar's website ( http://skylar.cjb.net ) with some recent pictures which show Skylar during this last visit. The pictures include shots from the rehabilitation hospital (including a shot of Skylar and I "surfing"!). We are leaving again Sunday afternoon to drive to San Jose. On Monday morning, we will take Skylar back to the children's hospital for a clinic. After the clinic (God willing) we get to take Skylar home to Atascadero! Thank the Lord! He will be going home with the feeding tube still installed, but perhaps at home his appetite will be better. Please pray that he might begin eating well and be well nourished and that the tube might be removed soon. Thanks for all your prayers and concern. Love, -Dann (for us all)