May 27, 2000 Dear Family, Here is some current news about our grandson. Skylar is recovering slowly... in my last message I told you how he had begun to walk quite a bit; well, a day or two later after a walk he threw up. This must have scared him because after that he has resisted walking. I was discouraged about this until a couple of days ago I heard the news that they have set him up with a special bicycle, which he has been peddling considerable distances. Apparently it is something like a tricycle but he is belted into the seat and he moves it with both his feet and his hands. He is still resistant to his therapy at times, especially when he has to stand up and/or walk; please pray for courage for him and for a more willing spirit. Suzanne told me last night that he did have one period of three days without vomiting, so that was a bit encouraging. Skylar is still being tube-fed - but they have changed things from a continuous trickle to all-at-once a meal at a time. He is often nauseated and sometimes vomits, perhaps from the food and perhaps from the medications. Now for some very good news, something that many of you have asked about; there is now evidence from Skylar's blood testing that he is in remission from his cancer! Thank the Lord! The doctors tell Suzanne that they are 99% sure that Skylar is cancer-free, that his blood work is now normal! Suzanne said there is some talk of sending Skylar to a rehabilitation center. This is as yet uncertain. She was discouraged yesterday because there was no "care conference" and so Suzanne feels that everything is very much "up in the air". Thank you for your continuing prayers. Please pray for us as Pam and I plan to go up to see Skylar next weekend, God willing. Pray for Skylar's strength and speedy recovery and safe return home soon. By the way, if you don't already know, there are recent pictures on Skylar's website; taken during Pam and Chris's last visit. Love, -Dann (for us all)