April 26, 2000 Dear Family, It is Wednesday morning and I am writing to you from HOME! We got home about 2:30 AM this morning after an uneventful trip, thank the Lord for his protection. I drove from Stanford to near Magic Mountain in LA, where we filled up with gas. Pam drove the rest of the way as I tried to sleep in the back. Chris, Skylar's brother, came with us to spend part of his spring break here. I had trouble sleeping because of a shoulder injury of unknown origin; after taking some pain medication and rubbing some linament on my shoulder, I was surprised that I did sleep some. I woke up when we were almost home. Knowing that we were almost there, I thanked the Lord for the safe trip so far and asked for His help for the small remaining part of the way. Then I did the same for Skylar; I thanked the Lord for bringing Skylar so far back from the gates of death, and I asked Him to bring him safely the rest of the way and off of the ventilator. This morning I spoke with Suzanne; Skylar had been playing basketball with her and one of the therapists. He continues to do well. There is to be a "care conference" at 2:00 PM at which they will discuss their plans for continued treatment. Thank you all for continuing to pray, and for your loving concern and letters. We are greatly looking forward to seeing you this coming Sunday. Love in the Lord, Dann and Pam