April 19, 2000 Dear Family, Just a short note today (Wednesday April 19th) - I'm running out of time. Skylar continues to do fairly well today. They raised his ventilator PEEP to 5 overnight, but they tell us that is about right for someone his size. The oxygen setting is 45%, down a few points. I suspect they will work on some of the other parameters now. I was playing some "games" with Skylar a little while ago; "Lift your right hand a little, and I will turn around to the right; lift your left hand a little, and I will turn to the left." After a couple of turns on my part in response to Skye's arm-lifts, the little trickster raised them both! And so to accommodate, I jumped into the air and spun around! We played some similar games that I made up, with Skylar blinking his eyes and moving his legs as well. I'm trying to encourage him to exercise. I also see that my message of yesterday was censored again; I will have to find better ways to get words through the filter, like "d3ath", "ur1ne", and other words that I have a good use for but the hospital apparently wants to block from kid's use. Occasionally I get mail from you with the words clipped as well, but I should be able to figure out what they are (or at least read them when I get home). Skylar's Nurse Practitioner yesterday passed on a rumor to us; there is talk among the doctors of perhaps trying to wean Skylar off of the ventilator towards the end of the week. Lord, please in Your grace, make it possible! Pam and I would very much like to come home for a while soon; please pray that they may be able to remove the ventilator soon and that Skylar will do well and receive strength. The Lord is the strength of my heart, and my portion forever! We also hope to bring Chris, Skylar's brother, with us for part of his spring break. Pray that the time and circumstances will allow this. Thank you, family, for your love and prayers. In Christ, -Dann