Tuesday, April 18, 2000 Dear Family, It is Tuesday afternoon here at the Stanford children's hospital in Palo Alto. I am rejoicing and counting my blessings today even as I consider God's goodness to Skylar and to us. When I arrived today, Skylar's ventilator settings were still the same (45% oxygen, PEEP of 5) and he was doing OK after a good night. He was watching his "Goofy" movie again (one of his favorites). Suzanne told me that he had been awake for about an hour. I greeted him and he held and squeezed my hand to greet me. He tried to tell me something; as near as I could figure, he wanted me to watch his movie with him, so I did for a while (although he quickly fell asleep). I sang him a few "good morning" songs even though he was sleeping. Richard, one of the chaplains here, came by for a visit. He has been delighted to see Skylar's progress; he all too often sees things go the other way and must be on hand to comfort and aid families grieving over the d-e-a-t-h of their children. By the way, I'm sure you noticed how I spelled d-e-a-t-h. This is based on a discovery I made yesterday which needs an explanation. During the past several weeks, I have been bemused from time to time when, as I have reviewed messages sent to the list, I have discovered puzzling gaps and apparently "dropped" words. I attributed these variously to either errors or carelessness on my part, or to the "usual suspect", Microsoft "software". Yesterday, however, I was reviewing some older messages that Chris has been kind enough to post on Skylar's website at: http://skylar.cjb.net and I suddenly saw a pattern. The missing words were words like d-i-e-d, u-r-i-n-a-t-e, and other words that one might not wish to have a child use or read carelessly. Suddenly a light turned on in my head! I have been doing most of my emailing from computers in the "playroom", computers that are primarily intended for the use of children. I am certain that there must be some file or network "filtering" software in place that has been censoring my mail, unbeknownst to me up until now! And so, I apologize for what must have often seemed to you all to be very mysterious wordings and phrasings and inexplicable gaps in my writing. I am glad that I've discovered the truth of the situation and I hope someday to go back to all the stuff posted on Skylar's website and remedy the gaps. I was working in the dayroom today and Pam came in and told me that they had reduced Skylar's PEEP to 4! I was so thankful! When I visited him again about a half hour ago, it was still at 4 and his oxygen saturation, although somewhat low, was still staying within acceptable limits. I can see by observing the ventilator screen that he is initiating a lot of breaths on his own now, one of the things that is necessary in preparation for weaning him off of the ventilator. His fevers have been absent since Sunday when they moved his IV lines, removing older ones that had been in for some time and may well have been the site of some fever-causing infections. Skye had a small amount of blood in his u-r-i-n-e yesterday, which we pray was from some minor residual irritation where the catheter was removed. Thank you for all your prayers; please pray that God will now complete the good work He has begun by enabling Skylar to have the ventilator removed completely. Praise God with us for His great lovingkindness! With much love in the Lord, -Dann (for us all)