April 14, 2000 Dear Family, Thanks for your continued prayers and letters. I wish I could reply to each personally but I have trouble just keeping up with things day to day. Please know that I love you and pray for you all. It is about 3PM Friday and Skylar is doing fairly well today. He had some trouble with blood gas levels overnight, and they turned his PEEP back to 8 - but have now once again reduced it to 7. It is quite a balancing act. Skye is running some fevers; please pray that the staff may discover the cause and be able to treat this appropriately. Today after singing Skylar some good-morning songs I told him that I had to go to work, but that I would be nearby and would return to see him later. I gave him kisses on his tummy and arms and knees; I was about to turn to go, and he "puckered" as well as he could around the tubes in his mouth. I asked him, "Do you want to give Papa a kiss?" "Yes" he nodded. I bent near to receive it and said "Papa got your kiss". Thank You, Lord, for the sweet spirit of my dear son Skylar. Please deliver him completely from his distress. That's all for today. I continue to ask the Lord for a complete recovery for our dear child. Thank you for standing with us. Love, -Dann