March 20, 2000 Dear Family, It is Monday afternoon and I have just read my email, getting caught up on your support messages. They are being printed out even as I speak so that I can share them with Pam, Chris, and Suzanne. Thank you for your continuing ministry of support and encouragement. I wish I could thank you each individually but that is not possible right at the moment due to time constraints - but please know that I consider every message a treasury of love and encouragement to us at this time. We arrive at the hosptial each morning hoping to hear of spectacular advancements, and are nonetheless encouraged to hear of small steps in the direction of recovery. The good news of today is that they have (so far today) been able to reduce Skylar's oxygen level on the ventilator to 40%. This was in two steps of 5% from yesterday's level of 50%. His pressures are still high, but each successful reduction is an indication of a somewhat improved situation in Skylar's lungs. Thank God! Please continue to ask that they may soon be able to reduce the pressure as well. Skylar's bilirubin count is decreasing (I think Suzanne said about 3.2 today?) This indicator of his liver function should normally be less than one, I believe - but we are so thankful to see it decreasing from a high of more than 8 several days ago! They have been having some difficulty balancing Skylar's paralysis and sedation medications - he gradually develops some tolerance for these things. Please pray that the right balance may be found. Uncle Chris and I may leave for home today if we can find a one-way car rental. I am really torn about leaving while Skylar is still sleeping, but I know that he is in very capable hands (the Lord's!) and I really need to get back to work. Perhaps I can work the rest of the week, God willing, and then come back (maybe with some work I can work on remotely?). Please pray for wisdom and, should we drive home, a safe trip. Chris always helps immensely with the driving so that I can rest and be able to work the next day. Thanks again, that's all for the moment. Love, -Dann (for us all)