March 19, 2000 Dear Family, Greetings from Stanford. Thank you for your continuing prayers and praises. Once more today we are thankful that Skylar is just a little bit better. They were able to reduce his PEEP (a ventilator pressure setting) a little bit more today. They also reduced another ventilator parameter, "tidal volume" somewhat - but later had to move it back up just a little bit. Skylar's other grandparents were back this morning along with Christopher, Skye's brother. We telephoned from our hotel room this morning and got an encouraging update, so Pam and Chris and I went out for brunch and arrived here at the hospital around 2:00 PM. Thank you for all the scripture references you have sent for our encouragement. I have been reading the surrounding contexts and also finding other passages to sustain us. The words of God are so encouraging to me! Your kind words as well! Skylar's face looks a little better today - slightly less swollen around the eyelids. I only went in for a minute to say "good morning" and to sing him Psalm 5 - then I came out to spend some time with little Christopher. He and Uncle Chris and I took a walk in the rooftop garden. Please pray for little Chris - I am concerned that he understand the centrality of the written Word of God in spite of other doctrinal influences in his life. Skylar's urine output continues to be good, for which I thank and praise our God! This seems to indicate to me some improvement in his Venous Occlusive Disease problem, and also should be helping eliminate the excess fluid in his lungs. His ventilator pressures still need to come down a lot before they can think about taking him off the ventilator, so please pray fervently that this may come to pass. Please pray for wisdom and good judgement for me as to if and when it will be possible for me to leave for home to go back to work - I will have missed a week of work as of tomorrow (Monday) and am concerned about getting necessary work done. The people I work with have been very good about supporting my need to be absent. However, the thought of leaving while Skylar is still in danger is very troubling. Thank you again for your ongoing prayers and encouragement. Love, -Dann (for us all)