March 16, 2000 Dear Family, It is Thursday afternoon and I have had a few minutes to download and print some of your emails. Thank you for your words of love and encouragement. I have been reading them through many tears. Skylar continues to struggle on a ventilator - I say struggle, although he is unconscious - his vital signs continue to see-saw up and down, sometimes better, sometimes worse. I have a pain in my stomach that rarely stops. I love him so much, he has been my special treasure and gift from God. I am still singing to him when I am by his bedside. The last song request he gave me while still conscious was a calypso Christmas carol, "The Virgin Mary Had One Son". Skylar's other grandparents arrived in Atascadero yesterday evening to care for Skye's older brother Chris. They brought him up here today to see Skylar. Please pray for Chris that his faith will be strong. I know he loves the Lord. Lord Jesus, you told us that all power in heaven and on earth has been given to you... would you please use just a tiny bit on Skylar's behalf? I thank you that you have said that we can freely make our requests known to you, with thanksgiving. Lord, you know that I am thankful for all your goodness. You also know that I deserve nothing of my own merit, and so I ask that if it please You, You would do this just because you love me. Please, let Skylar reach out and touch just the fringe of your garment - just a tiny bit is all it will take. Please help us to love and trust you. Family, thank you for your loving care. -Dann