March 2, 2000 Dear family, Skylar has completed the course of chemotherapy for the bone marrow transplant as of yesterday (Wednesday) morning. He is still having terrible headaches, nausea, diahhrea, etc. etc. He is also running a slight fever. Today around 10:00 AM they will administer his bone marrow, which was stored, frozen, some months ago. This will take about two hours -- it is like a blood transfusion. Please pray that the new bone marrow will take root and begin growing right away in order that Skylar's blood counts will rise and his immune system will be restored. Please pray for his protection from any infections or other complications, and for a return of his appetite. I learned last night that they have not been giving him nutritional IV, that they will begin that sometime soon. Even though the chemotherapy is over, they say that he may continue to worsen for a time before he begins to get better. Thank you for your prayers. -Dann